Quick Links

Producer Links


American Sheep Industry Assn. ASI is national organization, a federation of 40+ state sheep associations and individual members, representing the interests of the 64,000 sheep producers located throughout the United States. From East to West, farm flocks to range operations, ASI works to represent the interests of all producers.

MPWV Meat Goat Producers Association an association for meat goat producers in Maryland, Pennsylvania, and West Virginia

The Garrett-Preston Rural Development Coalition a grassroots organization of concerned citizens who care about preserving our rural way of life while recognizing the need to advance our economy through profitable rural entrepreneurship. Join us to help advance agriculture businesses in the mountaintop area.


West Virginia Small Ruminant Management Project The purpose of the Project is to help farmers increase the economic efficiency and overall profitability of their sheep & goat enterprises through improved production practices and through the introduction of new technologies and to help revitalize the sheep & goat industry in West Virginia.

WV Farmer's Connecton Guide A listing of National and State livestock Associations

West Virginia Dept. of Agriculture

Appalachian Farming Systems Research Center a part of the United States Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service, their mission is to develop knowledge and technology to increase the profitability of small-farm agricultural enterprises in the Appalachian Region while enhancing soil and water quality and environmental integrity.

The Market Bulletin published by the WV Dept. of Ag., contains articles, recipes, and free classified ads for WV residents.

USDA AMS Livestock & Grain Reports

WV Extension Service


WVU Extension Service Hay for Sale a list of people in the northeast region of the United States who have a supply of hay available for sale, includes links to other website listings of Hay For Sale.

Virginia-VDACS hay clearing house

VDACS out-of state sources for hay

The Virginia Cattlemen’s Association hay clearinghouse

Virginia Tech Weed Identification Guide Images and descriptions of many species of terrestrial and aquatic weeds in Virginia.

Weed Identification Key and species accounts for 172 species from the University of Illinois.

Small Ruminants

click here for a list of large animal vets in West Virginia

The Merck Veterinary Manual the single most comprehensive electronic reference for animal care information.

Maryland Small Ruminant Page a wonderful site, breeds, feeding, management, diseases, and a comprehensive listing of links.

Sheep Building and Equipment Plans

Nutrient Requirements of Small Ruminants (Online Book)

UC Davis Flock Health Protocol


Shearing Network a list of shearing schools

Directory of WV Shearers a listing of people who shear sheep, goats or camelids in WV

Breeds of Sheep

Sheep Breed Associations

Sheep Calendar of Upcoming Events meetings, fairs and shows

Deer Run Sheep Links a listing of some favorite links for sheep management.

Fiber Festivals a listing of some excellent Fiber Festivals around the country.

Deer Run FiberArts Links a listing of some favorite links for crafts using wool.

Ethnic Holiday Calendar


PennState Meat Goat Production

MD Small Ruminant's Goats Page articles on, and links to dairy, meat, and fiber goats

Breeds of Goats

Goat Breed Associations

The Biology of the Goat Learn about anatomy, lactation, reproduction, and digestion. Follow the life cycles of parasites that commonly infect North American goats.


Goat Calendar of Upcoming Events meetings, fairs and shows

Boer goat
This photo of a Boer buck courtesy Oklahoma State University. See the "Breeds of Goats" link above.
This website maintained by Martha Behneman McGrath.
To report any problems or make suggestions, please contact Martha. Martha@coopworthsheep.com