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The WVSF annual meeting and Short Course will be held at Thorn Spring Park, Franklin, W.Va. on Saturday, September 29th from 9:00 am until 4:00 pm. Registration is from 8:00 am to 9:00 am. Preregistration is required so that we can plan for the number of dinners to be served. Preregistrants can contact secretary Michelle Wilfong or president Joe Aucremanne to be registered.


The WVSF has taken over management of the WV Wool Pool Program. For information, contact;
Ronald Fletcher
578 Cabin Run Rd.
Middlebourne, WV 26149
(304) 758-4819

The West Virginia Fiber Festival

The West Virginia Fiber Festival is undergoing a reorganization and will not be held in 2017.

The festival volunteers are sort of working on putting together a new management team for 2018, and we thank everyone for their hard work and support as we move toward providing an even greater experience for our participants and guests.

However, don't visit the old Festival website to find a volunteer job list for the festival as the website is not yet functional and it has a definite impact on the viability of the Festival and the possibility for us to continue.

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